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Sunday, January 19, 2020

DES conducts District In-Service Training-Workshop on Digital Literacy

DES conducts District In-Service Training-Workshop on Digital Literacy

Dumayat, Binalonan- The Digital Literacy Training-Workshop was conducted in Dumayat Elementary School last January 11, 18-19, 2020 that aimed for digitization of classroom instructions, learning and instructional materials for the 21st century learners. The participants of this training-workshop are teachers of Binalonan District I. It was organized by Mr. Ricardo S. Tambogon, HT-III of the said school with the guidance and support of all school heads of Binalonan I and Dr. Ana Jean B. Asuncion, the district supervisor.

The participants do the hands-on activity.
This training also prepares and trains teachers on the different applications and software that can be use in producing different digital learning materials and enhance their skills in ICT as part of the 21st century skills. 21st Century Skills are so much more than being digitally literate. While learning to use technology is an extremely important skill for the 21st Century, we must look beyond how to use the tools to how you think, how to access information, ways of working in a globally collaborative world, and skills for living in a 21st Century world.

Moreover, digital literacy also creates new ways to teach and learn within the classroom. Students are discovering new ways to interact with their interests online and through other digital media. They are no longer confined to just physical text when it comes to reading or learning more about their possible interests.

The training team spearheaded by
 Ricardo S. Tambogon, District ICT Coordinator
This three-day training is very timely because what teachers really need is innovative approaches on how to transfer skills and knowledge easier in the 21st century where learners are digitally aware and knowledgeable. Using their acquired or enhanced skills in ICT, teachers are now ready to face the challenges of the digital society and digital classrooms.

The working committees of the training.
Lastly, with the help of the training team, topics were discussed and hands-on learning was emphasized. Likewise the teachers of DES served as facilitators and working committees on this training. The support of the school PTA is highly recognized as well.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Pagatpatan, Asuncion monitor 2nd and 3rd Quarter Examination in Dumayat Elementary School

Pagatpatan, Asuncion monitor 2nd and 3rd Quarter Examination in Dumayat Elementary School
by Ricardo S. Tambogon

Dr. Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan,
ASDS,  reads the pupils' test
        The administration of examination in every school is essential part of assessing the achievement of learners and the mastery of skills they acquire or learn for a specific grading period. The purpose of giving examination is likewise to provide feedback on teachers’ instructions and strategies- its effectiveness and efficiency to the learners. Aside from that, examination is administer to evaluate and grade students, to motivate students to stud, to add variety to student learning, to identify weaknesses and correct them and to accredit qualified students.

Dr. Pagatpatan,(ASDS) Dr. Asuncion (PSDS)
Mr.Tambogon (SH)
        Last October 17, 2019, Dr. Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent and Dr. Ana Jean B. Asuncion, Public Schools District Supervisor, monitored the administration of 2nd Quarter Examination in our school. Likewise, on January 16, 2020, Dr. Ana Jean B. Asuncion, monitored the third quarter examination. The purpose of the monitoring is to check the consistency of the test papers, validity if the questions address what to evaluate, timeliness, if the schedule is followed, accessibility and provision of technical assistance.
Dr. Pagatpatan asks the pupils
about their examinations.
 Monitoring of administration of test or exam is a way of systematically measuring and assessing the program activities and results. The purpose is to check on the progress of implementation and outputs systematically. It help to determine when a program is going to plan and when changes may be needed. It forms the basis for modification of intervention, and of assessing the quality of any activities that are being conducted. Moreover, with a positive outcome, it can be used to demonstrate that program has been implemented effectively and have had a measurable impact.

DES’ INSET on Developing Instructional Materials in Beginning Reading

DES’ INSET on Developing Instructional Materials in Beginning Reading
by Maristela E. De Peralta

          To provide adequate and quality learning materials in reading for the learners, Dumayat Elementary School conducted a two-day in-service training on developing instructional materials in beginning reading on October 24-25, 2019.
Maristela De Peralta, the proponent and
organizer of the school INSET discusses
on making IMs in reading.
        One of the DepEd’s program trusts is the K to 12 Basic Education Program that would cater a lifelong learning for our students. An essential part of this program are the teachers, who being the front liners, must be equipped with the necessary tool to manage and execute meaningful learning process of our students. Continues professional development keep teachers up-to-date on new research and on how children learn, emerging technology tools for the classroom, and new curriculum resources. Since learners are the main clientele, teachers must be connected to and derived from working with students and understanding their behavior, learning characteristics and skills development.
Marjorie Lemon presents different types of IMs

        Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols for the intention of deriving meaning (reading comprehension) and /or constructing meaning. It is the mastery of basic cognitive processes to the point where they are automatic so that attention is freed for the analysis of meaning. Reading is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas. Like all language skills, it is complex interaction between the text and the reader which is shaped by the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language community which is culturally and socially situated. The reading process requires continues practice, development and refinement (Wikipedia, 2006).
Janet Sibolboro provide technical assistance
in making IMs
        To provide more meaningful learning and teaching, teachers must also be updated and be equipped with skills on the development of innovative and attractive learning materials in beginning reading. These instructional materials in will be used to deliver instruction specifically during remedial instructions and reading time. Reading materials can support student learning and increase student success in reading. Ideally, the reading materials will be tailored to the content in which they're being used, to the students in whose class they are being used, and the teacher. Reading materials come in many shapes and sizes, but they all have in common the ability to support student learning in reading.